
Doom 2 free roam
Doom 2 free roam

doom 2 free roam

( defun roam-extra:update-todo-tag () "Update TODO tag in the current buffer." ( when ( and (not (active-minibuffer-window ) ) (org-roam-file-p ) ) ( org-with-point-at 1 ( let* ( (tags (roam-extra:get-filetags ) ) (is-todo (roam-extra:todo-p ) ) ) ( cond ( ( and is-todo (not (seq-contains-p tags " todo " ) ) ) (roam-extra:add-filetag " todo " ) ) ( ( and (not is-todo ) (seq-contains-p tags " todo " ) ) (roam-extra:del-filetag " todo " ) ) ) ) ) ) ) I hope the following is useful, and as always I'm always happy to receiveĬommends and suggestions for improvements.

doom 2 free roam doom 2 free roam

The basis is still the same 4 functions I described in that post, only the "org-y", that setup needed a bit of love. Some of the changes in v2, changes that I think make org-roam slightly more I've written about in an earlier post, Keeping todo items in org-roam. The majority of the time I didn't spend on my notes though, but on the setup Think it might be a good idea to keep hooks in mind if one runs into issues with I didn't think about it until I'd already manually touched up almost all myįiles (there aren't that many) so I can't say anything for sure. Have been due to the roam-related functions I'd hooked into `'before-save-hook`. The v1-to-v2 upgrade wizard didn't work for me. Org-roam v2 has been released and yes, it broke my config a bit.

Doom 2 free roam